Saturday, October 11, 2008

Grow Your Own in Hawaii

Here in Hawaii you can raise your own vegetables and fish year-round, using one to fertilize the other! Sustainable farming all on a piece of property that is Owner Financed, and with a low down payment. Such a deal!

Ask Bob about his 3 acre listing, with a driveway already in, for only $500. down and $500 per month on a selling price of $39,500.

Pictured above is a part of the Aquaponics project run by a young couple doing organically grown fish and lettuce farming, on their Hamakua property. For anyone interested in more information on aquaponics as a commercial venture or for home use they conduct classes and a free tour every Saturday morning.

Call now to hear about current listings of owner financed, low down payment properties.
Bob Riley, 808 959-1117, 808 895-3434 or email him:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Owner Financing in Hawaii

We have a new link to share with the world:

Andreas, one of our agents created this site to help explain and showcase properties with owner financing. Content will still be added as it becomes available, but it is up and running.
There you will find some helpful information and more details on the properties available with owner financing.
Just recently Andreas had a call from a buyer that was quite direct about not wanting to go through a bank for financing due to where the economy is right now.
Owner financing does offer some unique benefits to buyers that can not be offered by banks and conventional lenders.
If you are interested purchasing something or have questions regarding the process, contact Andreas at 808-989-9436 or